The Well Project, building hope one woman at a time image

The Well Project, building hope one woman at a time

$8,653 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Help us build hope!

Why #Give4Hope?

Hope can move people toward action, open up new worlds, and dramatically improve one's quality of life. For women living with HIV that can mean a healthier outlook on living with HIV and better engagement in care and self care. The power of hope is especially important in the midst of tumultuous times like these – and hope is what The Well Project brings to our users, every day. Data show that 76 percent of women living with HIV who participated in a recent survey felt more hopeful about the future after using The Well Project's resources.

We are tremendously proud that our resources reach and lift up an estimated 1 in 25 women living with HIV worldwide, but what if we could increase that number to 5 (or 10!) in 25 women? We can do it, but we need your help.

Please consider making a donation today. Whether $100 or $5, every donation helps! Even more, a monthly recurring donation would allow you to support us year round! Your donations will help us provide a platform for women living with HIV to share their experiences and connect with one another, develop advocacy skills and capacity among women living with HIV, update our library of 110+ fact sheets, and add new content. Most importantly, your support will allow us to expand our reach so that we can build hope among more women living with HIV around the globe.

Together we can change the course of the HIV epidemic…one woman at a time.